Agosta Fabrizio

Fabrizio was born in Catania, Italy, on September 14th 1971. After working for two years as a police officer, he obtained a B.S. degree in Geology from the University of Catania in 1997, a M.S. degree in Geology from the Saint Louis University (Missouri, USA) in 2000, and a Ph.D. degree in Structural Geology and Geomechanics from Stanford University (California, USA) in 2006. Later on, Fabrizio worked for three years as a post-doc at the University of Camerino (Italy). Then, he joined the University of Basilicata (Italy) in 2010 for a tenure position as assistant professor of Structural Geology. Fabrizio obtained the associate professor Italian qualification in November 2014.

Current Position

  • Assistant professor of Structural Geology, Science Department, University of Basilicata, Italy;
  • Co-director of the Reservoir Characterization Project (


  • Ph.D. in Structural Geology and Geomechanics, Stanford University, California, USA (2006);
  • M.S. in Geology, Saint Louis University, Missouri, USA (2000);
  • B.A. in Geology, University of Catania, Italy (1997).
  Curriculum Vitae  

Other Courses

ID Course Name Duration Start Date
MD0A Il sistema petrolifero e gli idrocarburi naturali 4 settimane 12 Gennaio 2016


Sede del Master


Università degli Studi della Basilicata
Campus di Macchia Romana
85100 Potenza



Lo sfruttamento e la gestione di giacimenti petroliferi richiede la disponibilità di competenze altamente specializzate, in grado di affrontare e gestire le problematiche legate alla sicurezza ed all’impatto ambientale della attività estrattiva, così come quelle connesse alla gestione economica della filiera petrolifera.